G. Matteo Vaccaro-Incisa

Arbitrator, Counsel, Academic
Legal expertise:

International Arbitration,
International Economic Law,
Public International Law

Field expertise:

Steel, Raw materials,
 Energy, Concessions,
Trading, Shipping

Geographic expertise:

EU, China,
Latin America,
Western Balkans

Linguistic expertise:

Italian, English,
French, Spanish,
Serbian, Croatian, Greek

G. Matteo Vaccaro-Incisa

Arbitrator, Academic, Counsel
Ph.D. in International Law (Geneva & Bocconi), LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS), M.Sc. in Law (Bocconi).
Dual-qualified attorney-at-law (Spain, Italy) specializing in international dispute settlement and international contract negotiation.
Following over a decade of prestigious professional and academic affiliations and collaborations (and turned forty), I decided to focus on my own work.
Today, I am an independent arbitrator, counsel, and academic. 

In principle, 

Specializing in international arbitration and contract negotiation since 2009 (in English, French, Spanish, and Italian). Between early 2021 and late 2023, I led the international law & dispute settlement area at Carnelutti Law Firm.

Included by the EU on the original list of arbitrators for the settlement of disputes under EU trade agreements (June 2022), I am also indicated on the lists with the arbitration courts of, e.g., Kuala Lumpur (AIAC), London (LCIA), Belgrade (BAC), and Madrid (CIAM). 

I served as an arbitrator in commercial disputes and, as counsel and expert, in international arbitration proceedings under different sets of rules (e.g., UNCITRAL, SCC, ICC, CAM, ICSID), as well as in investment cases in connection with complex questions of jurisdiction, comparative law, and States’ treaty practice (notably, China and Italy).

In international contract negotiations, I advised clients in different areas of business – from crypto-assets to world-record engineering projects and, nowadays frequently, steel and raw materials, freighting and shipping, and international quality marks and accreditation processes.

I believe that an international legal profile is hadly complete if it does not engage with academic research (and teaching).
Indeed, academia has always been an integral part of my specialization.

Currently, I am Visiting Senior Fellow at the University of Lincoln (UK).

Previously, I received the prestigious Jean Monnet Senior Fellowship at the European University Institute (Florence, 2019-2020), and served as Professeur-Chercheur at the Institut d’Économie Scientifique et de Gestion (Paris, 2016-2019), as Marie-Curie Researcher and Teaching Fellow at Bocconi University (Milan, 2012-2015), and as Permanent Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Lille (Lille, 2010-2016).

I have been a visiting scholar at Durham (2019), Sydney (2018), Hong Kong (2017), Melbourne (2016), Buenos Aires (2015), and Belgrade (2014).

I have also lectured at ESSEC and Grenoble Schools of Management, and at the University of Geneva.

My publication record delves into issues of international economic law, public international law, and international dispute settlement, including a monograph on China’s treaty policy & practice in international investment law & arbitration (Brill, 2021).

Research is typically carried out via comparative analyses and takes into account the relevant macroeconomics, policy, and political aspects and rationale.

In addition to having taught courses in various strands of public international law, international economic law, and international dispute settlement, I also taught techniques & ethics of legal writing and oral advocacy for international courts and tribunals (in English), including to the Italian, French, and Swiss representatives participating in international law moot courts (Jessup, Telders, FIAMC, Vis).

Admittedly, born into a family quite accustomed with legal specializations. Father’s side features several lawyers and judges, while mother belonged to an ancient Italian family featuring prominent servants in diplomacy and the military (however, she was an architect). My full surname reflects me being the last leaf of this branch of that family.

Father is a well-known attorney-at-law in Italy’s media & telecom sector, which influenced my early specialization. However, the passion for foreign languages and cultures eventually led me elsewhere professionally.

Besides Italy (Florence, Milan), I lived in Los Angeles, Geneva, and Paris; between 2013 and 2018, to both present and carry out my academic research, I spent about a year and a half in Australia (Melbourne and Sydney), and half a year, respectively, in Buenos Aires and Hong Kong. Over the years, I also spent significant time in Serbia, Greece, and Kenya.


Sports played

Arbitration philosophy

Undivided attention.

Not everything is about economy of scale. Arbitration is quite certainly not…


Linguistic Skills


When the pandemic struck Italy, Italians were at first mandated not to leave their homes – and this, for about two months. The business schedule overwhelmed, and finding myself quite bothered by the lack of completeness or neutrality of the information offered by mainstream media and “opinion leaders” on a range of domestic and international issues, I decided to devote the forcible free time to learning something new, i.e., some video-making, hash-tagged #reflectionisnotpollution (and the Italian equivalent #pensarenoninquina).

Come farsi ascoltare: gli archetipi dell’autorevolezza
Italy and the pandemic challenge: institutional system failure
Qualità dei Parlamentari: perché è quella che è e come migliorarla
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