Representative Experience​

*NOTE 1: Italy’s Code of Conduct for Lawyers, scrupulously enforced by the National Bar Council (Consiglio Nazionale Forense) with the active support of local bar districts, imposes strict limitations as to what Italian attorneys can share about their professional activity (in public, and even with clients in private). This is in stark contrast with otherwise common practices in, e.g., common law or certain Latin American jurisdictions.

**NOTE 2: The list below includes only matters dealt with as an independent practitioner.

Jun. 2024
Lead counsel in a SIAC arbitration between a HK entity and an Albanian entity over an international steel trading matter
Mar. 2024
Lead counsel in the contract negotiations between an international steel trader and an Italian University for a R&D project aiming at drastically reducing the life-cycle carbon-footprint of selected steel products
Nov. 2023
Lead counsel in a renewable energy case between international investors in Italy
Nov. 2022
Lead counsel in parallel arbitration proceedings (SCC and CAM Milan) involving questions of public international law, EU law, sanctions, and tempus regit actum
Since 2020
Assisting a leading international steel trader in its international contract negotiations and dispute settlement matters with an Italian mill
Since 2019
Assisting a leading international firm operating in the field of accreditation of education titles in the European Higher Education Area in its legal dealings with States and private clients
June 2019
Appointed sole arbitrator in institutional proceedings for the settlement of a dispute related to property aspects of an international M&A operation
May 2019
Advising an Italian radio broadcaster against a Slovenian radio broadcaster in a dispute over cross-border interferences
May 2018
Appointed sole-arbitrator for the settlement of an international fashion & textile commercial dispute in Southeastern Europe
Apr. 2017
Second expert opinion on the interpretation of the Radio Regulation Articles

In connection with another cross-border radio-interference between Italian and Slovenian radio broadcasting operators, Prof. Vaccaro-Incisa has delivered to the Court of Appeal of Trieste an opinion on the interpretation of Arts. 8 and 11 of the International Telecommunication Radio Regulations Articles.

Mar. 2017
Expert opinion for an investment arbitration tribunal

In connection with an ongoing investment arbitration, Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa delivered a review of Italy’s Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) practice on certain aspects of its investor-State dispute settlement clause.

Jan. 2016
Advising a U.S. investor in the dispute resolution process related to a construction project of a Southeast Asian joint venture in Eastern Europe
Oct. 2015​
Assisting an Italian firm in the negotiation of a complex engineering service contract as part of an innovative world-record construction project in Southeast Asia
Nov. 2015​
Expert opinion on the interpretation of the Radio Regulation Articles

In connection with a cross-border dispute over interference between Italian and Slovenian radio broadcasting stations, with the Italian and Slovenian relevant Ministries disputing the interpretation of the International Articles on Radio Regulations, Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa delivered an opinion on the interpretation of several sections from the International Telecommunication Union Constitution, Convention, and the Radio Regulations.

May 2015
Advising a Latin American State on the validity of a multi-million award, with a view to initiating set aside proceedings
May 2013
Assisting a renowned arbitrator in the jurisdictional phase of an investment arbitration, over the analysis and interpretation of equally authoritative yet apparently inconsistent treaty texts
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